Featured Artists & Submission Forms > A.B.F.M Magazine® Call For Music and/or Art Video Featured Artist: Beyza Yazgan

"Nemrut" by Beyza Yazan
"Nemrut" by Beyza Yazan

Artist notes: "Nemrut" is a digital art piece and is a place located in Turkey which appeared on my album 'To Anatolia'.

Beyza Yazgan's music is available through Spotify, iTunes and YouTube:

Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/5z7bbPx8qI5tbon…
iTunes: music.apple.com/us/artist/beyza-yazgan/…
YouTube: youtube.com/beyzayazgan

Contact and support Beyza Yazgan through the links below:
Website: beyzayazgan.com
IG: instagram.com/beyzayazgan
Email: beyza.yazgan@gmail.com