Featured Artists & Submission Forms > A.B.F.M. Magazine® 5th Annual Online Halloween Group Exhibition! October 01-October 31, 2024

October 01-October 31, 2024
Notes from the curator!

Welcome to A.B.F.M. Magazine®'s 5th Annual Online Halloween Group Exhibition. Every year it is such a wonderful experience to collaborate with every artist/creator in this group exhibition.

A warm "THANK YOU" to the extremely talented artists/creators from the States who have contributed to this Halloween Group Exhibition this year. I enjoyed this collaboration with all the artists/creators. All of their hard work and dedication do not go unnoticed.

Halloween has always held a special place in my heart and my artwork. It will be my first year attending a Yokai festival at Toei Kyoto Studio Park this year. I am excited to photograph this festival and keep exploring Japan throughout my artist residency with my family. To my loving family who always supports me and stands by my side throughout all my exhibitions, and art projects. All those early mornings, late nights, phone calls, facetime, and through deployments.

Enjoy the A.B.F.M. Magazine®'s 5th Annual Online Halloween Group Exhibition. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you for supporting our artists/creators. Till next year, stay safe and stay spooky.

Happy Halloween!

Warmly with love and some spookiness,
Stefanie Lynn Casaceli-Hendra A.K.A Lynn
Founder, curator, editor, and publisher of A.B.F.M. Magazine®

Published JST, Tuesday October 01, 2024

A.B.F.M.Magazine® 5th Annual Online Halloween Group Exhibition! October 01-October 31, 2024